Charlotte Foster

Couple's "cringe and vulgar" wedding invitations go viral

A couple has sparked outrage as their "vulgar" wedding invitations have gone viral on Reddit. 

The Reddit user posted a photo of the invitations, captioning the image with “My cousin sent this along with her wedding invitations ... I will not be in attendance.”

The invitation says "S*** you need to know" before sharing very aggressive and unusual rules for their special day. 

The invitation reads, “Wedding gifts: If you wanted to give us a wedding gift, a contribution to our honeymoon would be perfect.”

“Dress code: Wear whatever the f*** you want - go butt f*** naked for all we care."

“Children: Leave your little s**** at home. We want to get f***ed up. (We will turn you away)."

“Hotels: Google it you lazy f***."

“Taxis: See above."

“Parking: Follow the f***ing directions we gave you, dumba**."

“Questions: Check the f***ing website.”

The hostile invitation has been slammed online, with many people noting the only polite part of the  message was when they were asking for wedding gifts and donations.

Many users shared their thoughts on the awkward invitations, with one person saying, “So much cringe. Trying far too hard to be cool.”

Another commenter said, “I don’t get why people think swearing is so funny. I mean I have nothing against it. It’s just not particularly clever or funny.”

Image credits: Reddit/Shutterstock

wedding, invitation, Viral, Reddit, cringeworthy