
8 key steps to healing after loss

Healing may mean different things to different people and may also look different, but it has one common theme: getting better. Healing may seem simple, yet it is a complex process that often involves many intricate aspects and phases coming together in perfect synchronicity.

In straightforward terms, healing means finding relief and getting and feeling better, which can be felt physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

Healing is not an easy process and nobody knows how long it will take for any individual to start feeling better. 

However, one thing is for sure: healing needs your active participation, and possibly even your complete devotion. 

It can be hard work and it requires intention, focus, support, faith, understanding, compassion, empathy and a large dose of love. 

Healing from any type of loss is a lifelong commitment. Although the work of healing yourself is always ongoing, it can be seen as a promise to be restored, a pledge to feel joy again.

Through my exploration into healing my own trauma and working with grief I have found eight key elements that are vital in helping to move forward and embrace the joy of living. 

It can be a tough process but I have learned one simple fact: there is nothing wrong with admitting I am a work in progress and I am not perfect. 

You are a work in progress and you are not perfect, and that is completely fine. Acceptance of who you have become and who you are at the present moment will bring you inner peace. 

I hope you will find the eight key elements useful on your healing journey.

1. Make your intention to heal clear to the universe and, more importantly, to yourself. Use the following affirmation: ‘I am ready to heal.’

2. Focus your attention: do not allow distractions or self-destructive talk. Take a few cleansing breaths to focus your mind and direct your attention on what you need to address in order to ease the healing process.

3. Keep an open heart: always keep your heart open to welcoming love and joy no matter how hard it is.

4. Release everything that does not serve you in your quest for healing. Use the following affirmation: ‘I release any negative energy that is obstructing my healing process. I invite only positive energy to bless my healing process.’

5. Commit to undertaking the healing work every day. Use the following affirmation: ‘I commit to always do what it takes to heal every single day.’

6. Have hope: inculcate a desire for change, as it will keep the flame of trust burning. 7. Love: love is our blueprint for life. Always go back to love.

8. Have faith: faith is knowing deep inside you will be all right. You may never be complete, but you will still be doing just fine.

Do not fear grief, for it is a natural process and a partner in your healing. Remember: healing is an ongoing process so always be gentle and compassionate with yourself.

Edited extract from The Art of Grieving: Gentle self-care practices to heal a broken heart (Rockpool Publishing, $29.95), by Corinne Laan. Now available where all good books are sold and online at www.rockpoolpublishing.co 

Image: Shutterstock

healing, grieving, loss, relief