Pamela Connellan
Home & Garden

The top six benefits of decluttering your home

We all collect a lot of material possessions during our lives and if we don’t declutter at some stage, it can become overwhelming later on down the track when you find you have so much stuff, you can hardly move.

So, here are some extra reasons to motivate you to start decluttering your home now.

By decluttering your home and you will end up decluttering your life and it doesn’t need to be as painful as you might think.

There are many benefits to owning fewer possessions. Even though it can feel tough to move into action, once these benefits reveal themselves, you’ll be so glad you did.

1. Less to clean: Cleaning is already enough of a chore, but having to clean in and around things you have don’t really want or need makes cleaning your home so much more stressful. With less in your home, cleaning will be easier.

2. Less to organise: When you declutter, finding things will suddenly become so much easier. Things won’t just ‘disappear’ anymore. You can actually move around your home and enjoy the space, instead of moving around things which are in your way and cause you stress because you know you don’t need them.

3. Less stress: Looking around at your clutter can be a sickening sight when your home is cluttered. Once you declutter, you’ll be able to look around and enjoy some possessions and feel more relaxed in the home you love.

4. Less debt: When you declutter, you realise you don’t need to shop for so many material possessions and this will keep your wallet and bank accounts fuller. Your credit cards will be used less and your home won’t get filled with costly things you don’t need.

5. More financial freedom: Many of us can live from week to week on our pay cheque or our retirement income. But when you combine decluttering with minimalism, this will help you build up your savings so you have something there in case of an unexpected emergency.

6. More energy for your greatest passions: With less debt, more financial freedom and a clean home, you can now focus your energy on the things you enjoy instead of worrying about what else you need to buy or what else you need to throw out. Ultimately, decluttering will make you happier!

Photo: Shutterstock

clutter, declutter, Marie Kondo, spring clean