Ben Squires
Home & Garden

7 surprising rubbish tricks

You probably don’t spend much time thinking about your rubbish bin. But despite the uplift in recycling, and reusing things like jars, most of us still finish off cleaning the kitchen each night by taking out a bag of rubbish.

So since there is no getting away from it, today we have some tips for making your kitchen bin a little bit more pleasant.

1. Avoid bag suction by making holes in the bin

Sometimes when you try to pull out your full bin bag, suction can cause it to stick to the inside of the bin. You can avoid this by making a hole on both sides of your bin, about 10cm above the base.

2. Store bags underneath

So often we store the bin bags somewhere away from the bin. Why not consider keeping a few bin bags on the bottom of the bin so that when a full liner is removed, the new one is there waiting to be pulled up.

3. Hide your bin

Even the most attractive bin still looks like a bin, so it’s nice if you can keep it out of sight. You can use a large kitchen drawer, or even hide a bin in an island next to the sink.

4. Clip your bags               

Grab a few paper clips and use these to hold bin bags in place when they are a bit too big for the bin. This stops the bag falling in when you drop in a heavy item.

5. Add a magic lid

No more getting germy bin-hands every time you throw something away. Add a string to the lid of the bin so that when the drawer is pulled out, the lid opens automatically.

6. Use hooks to hold the bag    

Place an adhesive hook on both sides of your bin to secure the handles of the bin bag.

7. Store bin bags on the wall

Keep your bin liners within easy reach by storing them on a roller on the wall. 

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tricks, lifestyle, Home & Garden, Rubbish Bin