Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

5 surprising causes of pollution coming from your house

These every day household products might slip under your radar but they are actually having a bigger impact on the environment than you know. By decreasing your use of these products, you are not only living more sustainably but in most cases, also saving money.

1. Body wash

Bar soaps use 20 times less energy during packaging production than what liquid soaps require. High energy consumption means a higher carbon footprint. Instead of using liquid soaps, use bar soaps. You will not only have less of an impact on the environment but you will also save money. Zurich’s Institute of Environmental Engineering found that that when people use liquid soaps, they use seven times more product when washing their hands than when they use bar soap. So, it’s quite likely that whenever we use liquid soaps we are overdoing it with the generous amounts we give ourselves.

2. Electronic items

It’s no surprise that our electronic items are having an impact on the environment and our energy usage. Our households are filled with technological gadgets that we use in our day to day living. Even though you need to use these items, you can be strategic to save as much energy as people. Simple steps like not leaving your TV or computer on standby can make a huge difference. You can also utilise the settings on these products to reduce the pollution. Features such as automatic brightness will adjust your screen to the amount of light that’s in this room, will cut your energy use by up to 50 per cent in some situations. You can adjust your brightness on most TVs, computers, phones and other hand held devices.

3. Dishwasher and dryer

By creating an organised schedule for the use of your dishwasher and clothes dryer you will save yourself from lots of loads with tiny amounts of clothes and cutlery. Instead of doing tiny rounds throughout the day, you can save money and energy by using these machines at the end of the day and  at the beginning of your morning.

4. Coffee pods

Certain coffee pods are made from the number seven plastic which isn’t accepted in many recycling plants. The plants also won’t accept the pods If they are filled with coffee so many end up in landfill.

5. Aluminium foil

Soiled containers can be recycled but aluminium cans and foil cannot. Instead of cooking with aluminium foil, use unbleached baking paper. Also, try to use a different product to wrap your sandwiches and snacks in that isn’t as harmful to the environment.

Would you add anything else to the list? Let us know in the comments below. 

home, Household, items, environment friendly