Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

4 speed cleaning tricks

Cleaning the house is one of those tedious jobs that, try as we might, just doesn’t go away – no matter what age you are. The thing about age, however, is it comes with a wealth of experience and expertise. If you’re a regular reader of this site, chances are good that you’ve been cleaning your house for at least a few decades and know your stuff, but there are always interesting tips and tricks other people use that you yourself might never have thought of. So we spoke to some of the cleverest cleaning experts we know and have assembled a foolproof list of speedy cleaning methods.

1. Microwave magic

Pour a small amount of vinegar and water into a coffee cup (about 30-50ml of each) and place it into the microwave for a minute-and-a-half on high. When the microwave finishes, carefully take out the cup and discard the rest of the vinegar/water mixture. The steam it made should make any stray food wipe right off with a damp cloth. No more scrubbing!

2. Basket of deplorables

Carry a laundry basket or shopping tote around with you so that you can pick up anything that isn’t in the right room. As you move from room to room, do a quick check of the basket to see what can go away, and what needs to join the rest of the misplaced items. You’ll save so much time by not going back and forth as you find out-of-place things.

3. Cleaning caddy

If you don’t already have a cleaning caddy, you really should consider trying it out. It works like your basket of misplaced objects – save time by making sure you have everything you could possibly need right at your fingertips. If you don’t have a stocked caddy, you could consider filling one with: paper towel, rags, all-purpose cleaning spray, rubber gloves, a dusting mitt, a spray bottle of water, bathroom cleaner, and room deodouriser. If you don’t want to fork out for an actual cleaning caddy, you could try an old picnic basket or tool box.

4. Spray. Wait. Wipe.

Contrary to what you sometimes see on television commercials, wiping away a cleaning spray the moment after you’ve applied it isn’t going to get you the best results. When you’re in the bathroom, spend a couple of minutes moving around the room and spraying your favourite cleaner onto the sink, the toilet (and the floor around it!), bathtub, shower, and any tiles that get wet. Then, and this is important, leave it alone for a few minutes. Go and make the bed or tidy the papers on your study desk. When you come back, the cleaner will have done the hard work for you so you can simply wipe it away with a cloth or paper towel. Pro tip: work from the cleanest surface back to the dirtiest (for example: mirror, bath, shower, sink, toilet, floor).

What’s your best tip for speedy cleaning? Share in the comments below. 

tricks, home, cleaning, house, speed