Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

14 speed-cleaning tips from the Over60 community

We have all experienced a time in our lives where we have pressed for time and wondered how we can clean our home quickly. Here is the Over60 community’s advice to get the job done in record time.

1. “One of my best ‘hacks’ is to use white vinegar in the washing machine instead of fabric softener, it softens the clothes just as well as the fabric softener at a fraction of the price, cleans the washing machine and all the drain pipes. Also, pour a couple of cups of vinegar into the toilet cistern to keep it and the toilet bowl clean as well as the toilet drainage pipes.” – Heather Thiele 

2. “I gave my dear wife for Christmas a pair of slippers with micro dusters on the bottom, amazing worth every cent and saves her cleaning time, which means I don't have to wait for my dinner.” – Nigel Hourigan 

3. “I like Margaret Ollie's (artist) advice. ‘I like watching the patina grow. If the house looks dirty, buy another bunch of flowers.’” – Jenny Kiene 

4. “I always do a quick tidy up before bed, toilet cleaner in last thing before bed, any dirty cups or glasses in dishwasher, wipe benches and put dirty clothes in machine to wash in morning. I hate getting up to a messy house!” – Sandra Mcinnes

5. “I have a routine I stick too, and it’s so much easier. All my home is cleaned in two days, washing the lot, floors washed but I clean my actual bathroom fortnightly as it just my husband and I. Toilet and floors are done each week, then I have time for sewing, gardening and whatever else needs doing. Every change of season I give the house a freshen up, stove, fridge are cleaned also windows, curtains get a clean and doors get wiped over also.” - Barbara C Griffin

6. “Have your neighbours over for morning tea, that will have you cleaning.” – Macey Taylor

7. “Put on your favourite dance music and whizz around with a cloth sprayed with Mr Sheen. Good exercise too.” – Ruby West 

8. “Try baking soda with your vinegar, I use it all the time. I also wash my clothes in baking soda and white vinegar with a dash of eucalyptus oil in it too. I haven't used washing powder or soaps for years. I use a cup of baking soda and I guess a good slosh of vinegar maybe a 1/4 of a cup. I started using it because my husband and daughter have really dicey skin.” – Dianne L Kevan

9. “Get rid of all cleaning products and get a spray bottle fill with water add 2 table spoons of the clear eucalyptus wool wash. I use it on windows, glass and all surfaces. It's wonderful and smells fresh. Try it.” – Natalie Constance

10. “Changing from toilet soap to shower gel has been amazing, just spray the shower recess with white vinegar and rinse next time in the shower!” – Maree Janice Reidy

11. “Make a spray bottle of diluted domestos (bleach cleanser). It’s ideal for removing marks from walls.” –  Rhonda Miller

12. “Wash up, beds, quick floor clean and a big clean once a week, just Windex and Palmolive for all.” - Maree Mcgahey

13. “Lavender oil and water in a spray bottle for kitchen bench tops. Rub a cut lemon on plastic cutting boards then rinse.” - Myrilyn Googh

14. “Downsize... a small home takes a lot less time to clean.” – Jenny Bush

What are your tips and tricks for cleaning the home quickly? Let us know in the comments below.

home, tips, cleaning, community, over60, speed