Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

How to remove wrinkles from your clothes without an iron

We’ve all been caught short in a situation where you need ironed clothes, but you haven’t got access to an iron. But fear not, there are ways to spruce up your outfit so that nobody will know you didn’t get a chance to iron it.

Place the item in a dryer with a damp sock

The steam from the damp sock (you could also use an ice cube) will help get rid of the wrinkles. In about 15 minutes on medium your clothes should be smooth and crease free. Hang them up or wear them straight away.

Hang the clothes near a hot shower

Put your clothes on a coathanger and hang as close to the hot running water as possible. You want them close enough to get steamy but not close enough to get wet. Shut doors and windows, and use a towel to seal under the door. It will take around 15 minutes so it’s best to use this method while you are taking a shower.

Use a wrinkle-removing spray

Available at supermarkets and chemists, just spray it onto clothes that have been slightly dampened first. Gently pull the fabric down to encourage smoothness. This is ideal for cotton clothing, rather than silk. If you can’t find the spray or run out of time you can make your own with a spray bottle of water and a tablespoon of vinegar of fabric softener. Hang it up to dry, ideally outside to ensure the smell of vinegar doesn’t linger.

Use your hairdryer or straighteners

Use a water spray bottle to dampen the clothing slightly, then dry on a low setting with a hair dryer, ideally with a focusing tip attached. You can also use straightening irons but be sure they have been cleaned before heating to remove hair product residue.

Have you got any other tips that could work when there is no iron available? Please share with us in the comments.

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home, clothes, Laundry, wrinkles, ironing