Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

Over60 community’s best household tips

Running a household is no easy feat and requires organisation, communication and commitment to make the household run smoothly. Sometimes we feel like we have everything under control and over times the household duties seem to pile up. Here are tips for running a household from you, the Over60 community.

1. Reduce costs

“Set aside money to pay your bills first. Then buy food in bulk. Do nothing on impulse. Work with the daylight. Turn off everything before you go to bed (except the essentials). Use natural light to do your chores. Use cold water for washing, flush only when necessary. Live, love and respect your people.” – Kerry Dalgleish 

2. Keep spares of essential items

“Always have a spare of regular groceries in the cupboard, when the spare gets moved into current use, replace the spare and you won't have to make a special trip to the supermarket. This is an essential tip when living in a rural area half an hour from the nearest town.” – Christine Ward

3. Do your duties before leaving the house

“My mum used to say, ‘make your bed, do the dishes, sweep the floor, than out the door’.” – Maria Smith

4. Everyone plays a part

“Learn to get everyone involved in some way. A household whether it’s a family or housemates needs to be a team where everyone contributes – it’s not just the responsibility of one person!” – Denise Peck 

5. Organisation is key

“Be organised, make lists, make a budget and more importantly stick to it. Everything has a place, use it put it back. If you really don't need it, don't buy it! Only use dishwasher when full.” – Sandra Mcinnes 

6. Teach your children to cook and clean  

“Close your eyes to the stuff that is NOT that important. Teach the boys how to cook and clean as well as the girls. Eat meals together. Joint clearing afterwards.” – Noni Primrose

7. Prepare your meals ahead

“Stay organised and get rid of anything that you don’t use or isn't practical, cook ahead and cook extra and freeze it.” – Sheryl Armstrong 

8. Remind yourself of what you achieved every day

“Everything has a home, so put it back! Only do what is important, leave what is not.
At the end of the day say, ‘What did I achieve today?’ not ‘What didn't I get done?’ Finally, a family mealtime with good conversation sweeps away any stress!” – Dimi Grillo Communication

9. Have an emergency fund

“Don't spend a penny more than you need to and then there's plenty of money in the bank for unexpected expenses and holidays etc.” – Debra David

10. Budget well

“Couples should work and communicate together, have a weekly budgeting and itemised list (what is coming in and going out, this includes personal spending and household shopping allocations) and a “wish list” (travel, weekends away, gifts, etc.).” – Annie Leicester 

11. Work smart, not hard

“Put a long extension cord on your vacuum cleaner, do the house in one go. Take a basket with you and pick up and deposit as you go. Saves time and frustration.” – Sherone Joy O'Neil 

12. Don’t procrastinate

“Don’t put anything off... you never know what’s going to come up tomorrow.” – Mel Gallop-Kruger 

13. Use wisdom in your finances

“Don't spend more than you earn.” – Pat Cox

What are your best tips for running a household? Let us know in the comments below. 

home, tips, advice, garden, Household