Ben Squires
Home & Garden

Non-toxic ways to remove hard water stains

If you live in an area of hard water, you will notice that your taps, kettles, bathtub, and other appliances can become covered in mineral deposits. It can cause showers to become blocked, and might even mean expensive repairs are needed for dishwashers.

There are lots of commercial products available, but these are made with harsh chemicals that can be toxic to humans.

Luckily there are some non-toxic ways to get rid of the gritty deposits.


Take a lemon and rub the skin all over a chrome tap. Soak paper towels in white vinegar and place these over the taps for an hour. Remove the towels and give your clean taps a rinse with cold water.


Take your showerhead off and soak it in a bucket of white vinegar for around four hours. Scrub it, rinse, pat dry, and replace.

Shower Door

If you find mineral deposits on your shower doors, give them a spray with white vinegar before cleaning with a cloth.


Once a month, place a mug of white vinegar into the bottom drawer of an empty dishwasher. Run it through a full cycle with no other dishes inside and this will help remove build up from inside.


Pour a can of cola, or three cups of white vinegar, into your toilet bowl to remove hard watermarks. Leave for an hour, then flush.

H/t to Reader's Digest

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cleaning, lifestyle, bathroom, Home & Garden