Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

Household items you never knew had an expiration date

You might be on top of tossing out mouldy bread or out of date cheese, but there are items outside of the kitchen that have an expiry date too. Rather than hanging on to things until they break (or, you know, smell) you should actually be replacing or upgrading the following household items.

1. Pillows

If you’re sleeping on the same pillows year in year out, you’re most likely breathing in vast amounts of dust as well as exposing yourself to mould and mildew. Pillows need to be tossed out every three years at the most. Keep an eye on them and if they are yellowed or spotted with mould, it’s time to go.

2. Underwire bras

Even if you’ve spent a bit of money on your bra, over time it will begin to lose its shape – meaning less support for you. In fact, bras should only be worn for around 9 months.

3. Wooden chopping boards

Even if you give them a good wash after use, and dry them in the sun, over time your wooden chopping boards (and wooden spoons for that matter) can get mouldy. Around five years is the most you want to keep them on hand, so if you’re the proud owner of grannies’ old wooden spoon it might be time to replace it.  

4. Mascara

If the eye makeup that you use is more than six months old, you’re at risk of serious eye infections. Mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow – all of these shouldn’t be kept longer than the recommended time. Not sure how long they last? It’s actually written on the packaging. It is the number inside the picture of a small tub.

5. Washing up brush

It’s not just the cloths you use to wipe the bench that need to be replaced. Whatever you use to wash up also needs to be refreshed regularly. Over time, brushes and scourers can become clogged with food build up, leading to the growth of bacteria. Why not get into the habit of changing them every time you change your toothbrush (which is every three months in case you’re wondering).

6. Sneakers

If you’re regularly working up a sweat in your trainers, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mould. Regular washing helps (most can be thrown into the washing machine) but even then sneakers should be replaced. For heavy users, swap your shoes at six months; while for intermittent users you can go to twelve months before upgrading. Same goes with your favourite slippers or bed socks.

What else would you add to the list? Share in the comments below. 

home, date, Household, items, expiration