Melody Teh
Home & Garden

7 common container gardening mistakes to avoid

Container gardening can be very simple but there are a few common mistakes that many a beginner makes. Here’s a list of what to avoid to ensure a successful garden.

Don’t fill a big pot in the wrong place

Ever tried to lift a large container filled with soil and plants? It’s well, very heavy! So to save your back, make sure you place the pot where it will stay and then fill it.

Don’t over water your plants

As plants are in pots, it’s quite easy to drown your plants with water. To ensure this doesn’t happen, use containers that have drainage holes and make sure you follow the watering requirements for your plants. A tip to check if soil is moist, stick your finger into the soil until the knuckle – if the soil at your fingertips feels dry, you need to water.

Don’t under water your plants

With less soil to hold water in pots, most container gardens need watering at least once a day, especially small containers and during summer. Ensure you are watering correctly – you need to soak the soil so it reaches the roots. If you only shower them with a tiny bit of water, the water won’t reach the bottom of the pot.

Don’t put containers in inconvenient places

Remember you will have to frequently water your container garden so put them in places you can easily access with a watering can or hose.

Don’t be afraid to fertilise

Container plants use up nutrients much faster than plants in a garden so make sure you fertilise.

Don’t forget the rule of proportions

Consider the proportions – height, breadth, and quantity – of plants you’re choosing in relation to the size of the container you’re using. A large container with many short plants can look awkward. A good rule of thumb to remember is to have at least one plants as tall as the container. 

Don’t forget to group

Make sure the plants in the same container or a group of containers in the same place share similar sun, soil, water and feeding requirements. You can find this information from your seed packets or plant labels.

Check out the Plants Plus site here for some more tips and inspiration for your garden.

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tips, gardening, plants, Guide