Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

13 cleaning secrets your mother taught you

Our mothers had more household chores to do with fewer cleaning products and tools, but managed to keep the house impeccable with some good old-fashioned elbow grease and a large dose of common sense. We asked you, the Over60 community, to share the cleaning remedies you learnt from your mother. Here are your tried-and-true ways to keep your home clean and tidy that still work wonders today.

  1. “My mother was a great cook. She always filled the sink with warm, soapy water and washed up as she cooked. We always sat down with no dishes to wash, just the plates we were eating from and each washed their own.” – Mairee Patricia Robertson
  2. “If running late with having dinner prepared, especially with kids, put the tablecloth on with plates. The other half thinks dinners nearly ready. Also, clean copper with lemon and salt.” –  Anne Tobin
  3. “I don't like using chemicals for cleaning. To clean the shower and bathroom use half and half of vinegar and dishwashing liquid.” – Helen Mitchell
  4. “Each morning make your beds and do your dishes before you can open your door to anyone.” – Mairee Patricia Robertson
  5. "Put washing soda in with washing keeps cloths soft. It’s also good for keeping your machine clean.” – Elizabeth Granter
  6. “After gardening, wash hands in over-ripe tomato, rinse under cold water and then squeeze half a lemon and a level teaspoon of sugar into palm of your hand. Gently massage into hands. Now you have clean and soft hands. Mum always did this after gardening.” – Susan Smith
  7. “I use vinegar to clean almost anything: kettle, windows, mirrors and I’ll even add salt to vinegar to make poison to spray onto weeds.” – Natalie George
  8. “My mum always said, ‘Never leave a room without checking if there is something you can take with you to put away in the room you are going to.’ I still practice this to this day.” – Lynne Mullaney
  9. “If you burn a pot or casserole dish, fill with boiling water and 2 tablespoons of Nappy San. Wait for the water to go cold and tip down the sink. Do the same with dirty oven shelves in laundry trough.” – Kay Chilton
  10. “Window cleaner is great for spot cleaning carpet.” – Penny Hoffman
  11. “I’ve been using white vinegar to stop clothes from ‘bleeding’ for decades. Recently when my visiting daughter put her laundry out and told me to be careful with a pair of purple cotton ‘Indian’ pants as they ran, I dunked them in a bucket of cold water with 1/2 cup of white vinegar, let them dry than washed them. Not a problem. Rinsing new towels in white vinegar will make them absorbent.” – Anne Mitchell
  12. “To clean the microwave, I put lemon juice in a bowl of water and microwave for a few minutes.” –  Caroline Schmidt
  13. “I haven't ironed my clothes for years – just fold them carefully from the clothes line and no wrinkles.” – Margi Stapleton

Related links:

5 household cleaners hiding in your pantry

5 common cleaning myths busted

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tips, cleaning, secrets, mother, Over60 community