Home & Garden

8 clever ways to use a single sock

If you often end up with odd socks after doing the washing, you’ll be pleased to know that they can find a new use around the house.

1. Protect shoes

Keep your shoes stored inside socks when you are packing your suitcase. Not only will this keep high heels or dress shoes in better condition, it will also protect your clothes from any mud on the soles of your running shoes.

2. Keep your wardrobe fresh

Fill a sock with dry coffee grounds, tie a knot in the top, and hang it up in your wardrobe. It will absorb any musty smells from the area.

3. Buff and shine your car

A sock works better than a rag to wax the car, as you can slip your hand inside and use it like a cleaning glove.

4. Remove spider webs

Slip a sock over your broom and use it to get rid of hard to reach cobwebs - without ruining your broom.

5. Keep your mobile safe

If you’re going camping, hiking, or doing some work outdoors you can protect your phone by storing it in a sock in your pocket.

6. Remove dust from indoor plants

Place a sock on your hand and sprinkle a little water on it. Use it to buff and shine the leaves of your indoor plants.

7. Use socks for moving breakables

When packing to move house, slip anything in a sock that you’re worried about getting broken or scratched. Think small vases or glass salt and peppershakers.

8. Get rid of dust from the blinds

Dampen a sock and place on your hand to get rid of dirt and dust from blinds.

Have we missed any great uses for a sock that you would like to share with us in the comments below?

Related links:

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home, cleaning, clothing, Uses, socks