Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

5 secrets to keep your whites WHITE

White shirts are a timeless addition to any wardrobe and it is always unfortunate when you realise that they have seen better days. Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute Cleaning Lab Carolyn Forte shares five secrets she uses to keep her white shirts in pristine condition.

1. Wash items after every one to two wears

If your shirt has been in contact with your body, it is important to wash it quickly before the fabric turns yellow or grey over time from the perspiration. Carolyn advises: “You want to wash them out before they build up.”

2. Attack stains as soon as possible

Even if you manage to remove stains or liquid from a shirt after a spill, it is still important to treat the stain properly once you get home. To attack perspiration stains in the underarm area of the shirt, Carolyn recommends rubbing a full-strength liquid enzyme detergent on the shirt and letting it sit for 15 minutes before putting it in the wash.

3. Choose a laundry detergent that contains bleach

Carolyn recommends using a detergent that contains bleach as these products will usually keep the whiteness of your shirts as they continuously get washed.

4. Be exact with your measurements

"Overuse or underuse of detergent can leave fabrics grey and dingy," said Carolyn. This happens because suds cushion fabrics and dirt, so rather than washing away stains, they are actually trapped. As long as you obey the instructions on your bottle, your shirts will be protected.

5. Don’t overload your washing

We have all faced the temptation to save time by throwing in extra shirts in a load of washing but Carolyn says that this will impact the quality of the clean."Clothing needs to circulate to get clean,” she said. If there is not enough room for the detergent to interact with the clothing, the quality of the clean will be impacted.

What are your secrets to keeping your white shirts white?

secrets, White, shirts, keep