Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

5 cleaning tips you need to add to your bag of tricks

Cleaning is a tedious job that unfortunately takes up quite a lot of time, though the results always prove to be worth it.

To make the load easier on yourself, utilise these cleaning tricks that will make your load a little bit lighter.

From a genius way to clean your ceiling fan to using your dishwasher for more than cutlery, these hacks are worth trying.

1. Light fixtures

If you need to clean your light fixture, try putting removable glass pieces in the dishwasher for a quick clean. You can also run a drying cycle to reduce spotting.

2. Ceiling fan

An effective way to clean a ceiling fan is to slip a pillowcase over the ceiling fan blades, one at a time, and then wipe. The dust is collected into the pillowcase and saves you form having to clean up your furniture and floors afterwards.

3. Blinds

An old sock does the trick when you have to clean your blinds. Start by spraying the sock with water and then put it on one hand. Grip the panel of the blind you are cleaning and then slide the sock-covered hand from end to end. The dust is removed from both sides at once.

4. Woodwork

To get your woodwork looking brand new and shiny, wipe it down with a solution of one part lemon oil and one part white vinegar.

5. Cleaning your dishwasher

To give your dishwasher a good clean, add one cup of baking soda to the bottom of your empty dishwasher and let it sit overnight. Then run the hottest cycle using vinegar instead of detergent to finish off the deep clean. Finally, be sure to remove debris from the filter.

What is your favourite cleaning trick? Let us know in the comments below. 

tricks, tips, cleaning, bag, need, add