Home & Garden

5 appliances you’re shortening the life of through misuse

Buying electronics and appliances can be a huge investment, and when something goes wrong with them, it can also cause a huge headache. So, of course, you want to keep everything working for as long as possible. While many of us blame the seemingly shorter lifespan of these products on the fact that things just aren’t made like they used to be, that’s not entirely true. It turns out that much of the time, the culprit is us! Read on for the mistakes you probably don’t even realise you’re making, which can cause the early demise of everything from your laptop and your phone to your stove and your toaster.

1. Laptop

There’s nothing more frustrating than a laptop that goes from on the fritz to suddenly needing to be replaced. It turns out the key to keeping our laptops longer is turning them off at least once a day. This allows the operating system to install software updates and patches so everything can run smoothly and up to snuff. Another mistake that causes the early demise of this essential and expensive device? Failing to install anti-virus and malware programs.

2. Smartphone

If you feel you need to replace your smartphone way before the newest one comes out, it’s probably because you’re letting it overheat. According to PCMag, a major cause of this is something most of us are guilty of: charging our devices overnight. In fact, your phone is at risk of overheating every time you keep it plugged in with a full battery.

And while many of us know it’s best to leave our phone at home when we go to the pool or beach, water damage isn’t the biggest risk. An article from Time reveals that too much heat exposure from the sun can cause lots of problems, including battery leakage and loss of data.

3. Vacuum

No one wants to empty the dirt cup after vacuuming your entire home or even before you vacuum, but an overfilled unit will not only run less efficiently – it will also ultimately shorten the life of the appliance. While most bagless units have a line indicating it’s time to empty the cup, it’s less obvious for bag machines. A sudden decrease in suction is a good indicator.

4. Car

A good car doesn’t come cheap, and to get yours to last as long as possible, you can’t skimp on regular maintenance. One biggie: oil changes. If you wait too long to change the oil, you’re asking for trouble. So how often are you really supposed to be doing this? According to Cars.com, it depends on the make and model of your car. Check the owner’s manual. Changing the oil keeps the corrosive material and debris out of your engine, so if you live in a city, it’s best to change the oil even a little sooner than the manufacturer recommends.

5. Fridge

If you have a big family and you find yourself with a fridge that’s constantly full, it might be time to consider buying a larger one. That’s because overloading it places pressure on the fan blades, causing them to work improperly or even break.

Cleaning the fridge is another way you can extend its life. The coils, the internal mechanism and the outside of the fridge need to be cleaned on a regular basis.

Source: RD.com

Written by Amanda Lauren. This article first appeared in Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s our best subscription offer.

appliances, fridge, phone, laptop, home