Food & Wine

Queen Elizabeth’s latest business venture has ruffled feathers

If there is one thing Her Majesty enjoys after a long day, it’s a daily tipple of gin.

So, it is of no surprise to many eagle-eyed royal fans when Sandringham Estate launched its very own range.

Her A-list competitor, Ryan Reynolds, who has his own line of the beverage, has had a hilarious reaction to the news.

News of the Sandringham Gin was tweeted about by magazine Marie Claire over the weekend, who wrote: "The Queen just pulled a Ryan Reynolds and launched her own gin"

The actor responded: "If she imposes a Gin Tax, I promise a revolution.

Reynolds' company Aviation Gin also threw in their own joke by saying the royal announcement was not what the Canadian had envisaged for 2020.

"Surprisingly this was on @VancityReynolds 2020 Bingo Card," they wrote.

While it may seem like the royal is stiff competition, it turns out Reynolds has little to worry about as the 700ml and the 500ml bottles of Gin that Sandringham is offering, cannot be shipped internationally.

Ryan Reynolds, Food & wine, Lifestyle, gin, Sandringham estate