Food & Wine

Pecan, broccolini & salmon grain bowl

Enjoy a pecan, broccolini and salmon grain bowl to keep your heart health up!

Preparation time: 10 mins

Cooking time: 10 mins

Serves: 2



  1. Whisk together almond butter, soy sauce, miso paste, and syrup. Whisk in lime juice until smooth. Dressing will thicken as it sits, thin with water if desired.
  2. Preheat a skillet over medium heat. Drizzle salmon with oil and cook approximately 3 minutes per side, or until cooked to your liking. Remove salmon from pan and set aside to rest. Roughly flake when cool enough to handle.
  3. Wipe skilllet, fill about half way with water and return to heat. Add broccolini and simmer for a few minutes, until bright green and tender-crisp. Refresh under cold water.
  4. Roughly chop half the pecans and stir through rice, divide into two bowls. Top rice with salmon, broccolini, orange, radish, and remaining pecans. Drizzle with dressing, sprinkle with sliced spring onion.

Recipe and images by Jennifer Jenner for Nuts for Life

salmon, pecan, broccolini, healthy