Danielle McCarthy
Food & Wine

Fierce debate sparked on Facebook: Does jam belong in the fridge or pantry?

What started off as an innocent debate over a breakfast staple soon turned into a fiery dispute with thousands of social media users weighing in.

Mandy-lee Anderson of Coffs Harbour, Australia, asked the question, “Does jam belong in the fridge or the cupboard?” on her Facebook page after she was in a disagreement with her husband.

While Mrs Andersen believed the condiment should be stored in the fridge, her husband had opposing views and said that jam belongs in the cupboard.

When the couple tried to settle the argument through social media, they didn’t anticipate the overwhelming amount of responses to follow with over a thousand people chiming in.

“Because it is a preserve it doesn’t need a fridge, so it is just a personal choice,” one person said.

One person took knife habits into consideration when deciding where the item should be kept.

“If your jam has lots of crumbs and butter getting into it, then I would keep it in the fridge.”

Others questioned whether Mr Andersen’s nationality had anything to do with his decision, as he is a New Zealand national.

“In a cold climate it makes no sense to me – but in Queensland, I understand because it’s so hot so you would keep it in the fridge, but I just don’t like my jam cold, that’s all,” Mr Andersen told news.com.au.

Do you store jam in the fridge or the cupboard? Let us know in the comments below. 

jam, food, facebook, breakfast