Carla La Tella
Food & Wine

Clever hack for banishing fruit flies from your kitchen

There’s nothing worse than trying to keep a clean kitchen, only to be greeted by a swarm of pesky fruit flies.

Once they arrive, it seems like nothing will ever work to get rid of them.

According to Good Housekeeping, fruit flies can lay up to 500 eggs at a time and even worse, those eggs hatch within 24 hours.

Now one clever Sydney woman has revealed her genius hack for bidding them farewell once and for all, with a cheap and effective method that she happened to come across quite by chance.

“I realised I could use red wine when I left a glass out and came back in the morning and it had a bunch of flies in it,” she told Yahoo Lifestyle.

“I didn’t realise that wine would work so well – I’d tried traps with apple cider vinegar and dish soap before but it’s never worked as well as this."

Fruit flies are attracted to ripe and rotting fruit and vegetables, things like beer and wine, bins and cleaning rags, so the mixture was the perfect solution.

She first took a glass jar and filled it three-quarters of the way up with water. While from the photos it might look like there is a lot of wine in the mixture, it’s actually 90% water.

She then added a few splashes of red wine and some dish soap.

Then, she sealed the top of the jar with glad wrap and poked a few holes in the top with a fork. She then secured the whole thing together with a rubber band to keep it all in place.

Now, the jar with the mixture lives on her windowsill next to her fruit bowl and the results speak for themselves!

Images: Yahoo

food & wine, fruit flies, kitchen hack, fruit, DIY