Alex O'Brien
Food & Wine

Silken chocolate pots with shiraz syrup

Doesn’t this look incredible? A restaurant quality dessert without all the fuss. This chocolate treat is very rich so don't be tempted to serve too much!

Serves: 6



  1. Heat 1 cup of cream in a small saucepan until almost simmering, remove and stir in chocolate until melted. Cool to room temperature.
  2. Whip remaining cream until soft peaks form, fold in chocolate mixture until well combined.
  3. Spoon mixture into 6 serving glasses, refrigerate until set.
  4. For syrup, combine shiraz and sugar in a small saucepan, heat gently, stirring until sugar dissolves. Bring to a gentle simmer and turn off heat immediately. Cool to room temperature, stir in berries 1 hour before serving.
  5. To serve, pile soaked berries into the serving glasses and drench with syrup. Garnish with chocolate shavings.

What’s your go-to winter dessert? Do you have a personal recipe to share with us? Let us know in the comments below.

Recipe courtesy of Legendairy. Visit their site for more delicious food ideas.

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shiraz, recipe, dessert, chocolate