Alex O'Brien
Food & Wine

Gluten free chocolate and pear brownies

These decadent brownies contain 50% more energy and twice the amount of fibre as two store bought lamington fingers.

Cocoa contains many minerals such as calcium, copper, zinc, iron and magnesium, all essential for good health. The high flavonoid content of cocoa has been scientifically linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The pear is also a great source of dietary fibre which is helpful in regulating cholesterol and controlling blood sugar levels.

This recipe is even gluten free and can be eaten by those with coeliac disease. What more reasons could you possibly need?



  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C. Grease and line a slice tin.
  2. Place the chocolate and butter in a bowl over a bain marrie to melt, alternatively place in the microwave safe bowl on low.
  3. Place the eggs, sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl and whisk on high until light and fluffy.
  4. Once the chocolate and butter are melted and the eggs and sugar are whisked, gently combine the two. Fold in the flour and cocoa mix, then the dried pear and cocoa nibs. Careful not to over mix! Pour into the prepared tray and bake for 14 minutes or until set.
  5. Cool, then place into the fridge to completely chill before cutting (using a hot knife!)

Recipe courtesy of the Maggie Beer Foundation. To find more information please visit their website here. Follow the Maggie Beer Foundation on Facebook here.

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Related links:

Chocolate raspberry brownies

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recipe, chocolate, brownies, gluten free, pear