Danielle McCarthy
Family & Pets

The 5 personality types of cats

Every pet is unique, but when it comes to cats, experts believe there are five basic personality categories that our feline friends fall into. Dr Lauren Finka, a research fellow at the University of Lincoln, “interviewed” over 200 kitties and their owners, and discovered that every one could be described by one of these personality types: the Human Cat, Hunter Cat, Cats’ Cat, Cantankerous Cat and Inquisitive Cat.

Find out the characteristics of each type of cat below and tell us in the comments, which best describes your furry friend?

1. The Human Cat

Your kitty enjoys sharing its time and space with you, and can be known to gently headbutt you and knead you with its paws. They love human attention, chin scratches, and are incredibly affectionate. They fit in well with big, vibrant families who can shower them with love.

2. The Hunter Cat

Every cat has a bit of a predatorial instinct, but Hunter Cats are experts. They love playing with realistic toys, which they often hold between their teeth while kicking frantically. They’re best suited to rural, outdoor spaces where they can explore, chase and hunt.

3. The Cat’s Cat

Just like the Human Cat loves spending time with humans, Cat’s Cats adore the company of other felines. They can be identified by their love of grooming, playing with and rubbing up against other cats. They suit households with other cats, but are also perfectly happy being alone.

4. The Cantankerous Cat

As the name suggests, Cantankerous Cats can have quite the grumpy streak. Independent, alert and not very receptive to affection, Cantankerous Cats need their own space to play and explore. When it comes to being handled, it’s best to let them make the first move.

5. The Inquisitive Cat

If you constantly find your kitty in unusual situations, they probably fit into this category. Inquisitive Cats are natural investigators and love exploring unfamiliar places and people. Just be sure not to leave out a box, bag, or anything else that might be of interest to these curious cats.

Which personality does your cat have? Let us know in the comments below.

pets, Cats, Personality, Types