Danielle McCarthy
Family & Pets

8 strange pregnancy superstitions from around the world

Everyone’s some level of expert when it comes to pregnancy – we’ve all known someone who was/is expecting, or have been there ourselves. Because of this, most people have special tips and tricks they offer expectant mothers – whether it’s based on personal experience, something seen in a movie, or if it’s a centuries-old superstition passed down through generations.

You may recognise some of these superstitions as old wives’ tales, while others might be new to you.

1. The ring test

Surely we’ve all seen this game played – an expectant mother provides her wedding ring, a needle, or a pin to be tied to a length of string (or hair, if hers is long enough). She then lies down on her back, while a friend or family member holds the string over her belly. If the ring moves side to side, she’s most definitely having a boy; if it makes circles, she’s soon to be blessed with a boy.

2. Nothing sharp in the bed

This fascinating superstition originates in China, where pregnant women are warned to keep sharp objects like scissors or needles away from their bed. These things are believed to signal the cutting of the umbilical cord, or could cause birth defects. Interestingly, a dagger should be kept under the bed of an expectant mum to ward off evil spirits.

3. Bad moon on the rise

The ancient Aztecs believed that pregnant women looking at a full moon would cause their child to be born with a cleft palate. To help prevent this, they would often wear something metallic, as it would deflect the moon’s harmful rays.

4. Bountiful moon

Many women will tell you that more babies are born during the full moon. This belief is so persisting that there have been studies performed to investigate its validity. The results have shown that there’s absolutely no truth to this pervasive superstition.

5. No gifts

Some mothers-to-be don’t like to receive gifts for their baby before it has been born, as they’re worried about jinxing themselves – especially if they’ve had trouble falling pregnant. This superstition may have its origins in the Jewish faith, where some view receiving gifts for an unborn child as an extended invitation to the evil eye.

6. Position is everything

Many people follow the belief that the position in which a baby was conceived has a direct influence on the sex of the child. Folklore says that the woman on top during sex will result in a girl, while the man on top will create a little boy. Try as we might, we couldn’t find any research to support this superstition.

7. Animal aesthetics

There’s an old Turkish superstition that tells expectant mothers not to look at bears, camels, or monkeys while they’re pregnant. Why? Because mothers who want a beautiful baby should only look at objects of beauty.

8. Hands off the bump

Long ago, expectant mums in Liberia figured out how to stop strangers from touching their baby bump. Liberian superstition says that strangers shouldn’t be allowed to touch the pregnant belly of a woman as evil spirits are able to steal babies from the womb.

What’s the strangest pregnancy superstitions you’ve heard? Did any of them turn out to be true? Share in the comments below. 

family, World, Pregnancy, superstitions