Georgia Dixon
Family & Pets

7 motivational tactics from grandkids

Adult life can be hard! While it can be tempting to think that the only way to solve our problems is through consulting other adults, looking to the younger generation can actually be just as effective. Here are some strategies you can borrow from your grandkids to help move onwards and upwards.

  1. Be the hero of your own story – Kids are the centre of their own universe, which gives them a great sense of power and influence. Picturing yourself as a proactive, conquering warrior can do wonders for your mindset.
  2. Always ask “why?” – Yes, it can be maddening to hear “but why?” for the millionth time but our kids are actually onto something. Asking ourselves why we need/want/do something can help uncover our true intentions and in turn, our motivating purpose.
  3. Seize the day – Children perceive time very differently to adults. We often spend time dwelling on the past or worrying about the future where as children only focus on the present, something we can all work on making more of a focus in our lives.
  4. Give it a go – New experiences are one of the greatest things about being a kid. But why should they only be reserved for the young? The young at heart can learn just as much from “having a go” and seeing what happens.
  5. Make it a game – There are plenty of un-fun tasks involved in adult life but my shifting your perception, they can be slightly more enjoyable. Try adding an element of playfulness to the situation, You’ll be surprised how much more motivating it can be.
  6. Say “No” – Many of us have a lot of trouble saying ‘no’ even when we don’t want to take part in the activity. Kids don’t have the same issue. If they don’t want to do it, they’ll say so. Learning to say ‘no’ ends up giving you more time to say ‘yes’ to the things that matter.
  7. Be fearless – Kids, especially young ones, don’t care what other people think about them. At all. This frees them up to explore a whole world of opportunity. Working towards your goals without the fear of judgment can make the process far easier and help your motivation levels remain sky high.

What’s the most important lesson your grandchild has taught you? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Related links:

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life, grandparenting, Children, motivation, tactics