Danielle McCarthy
Family & Pets

How to keep your cat in one place

If you are a cat owner you know the immense struggle it is to try and make them do anything.

Unlike dogs who can follow commands, cats seem to have a mind of their own and thrive off their independence.

There is one trick, however, that has made it possible to sit your cat in one spot.

Cat-owners have made the discovery that if you put a square on the floor, your call will get into it.

Although this trick has been around for a while, it was re-discovered by Twitter user Danielle Matheson and it is going viral among cat lovers.

Some people believe the trick is so successful because once the cats identify the shape, they perceive it as a new area to explore. Be warned that once your cat’s square is set up, they can become a bit territorial of their new space. 

tricks, cat, pets, floor, keep, still, square