Family & Pets

Why is my dog such a picky pooper?

Does your canine friend have to sniff every single blade of grass before doing his business? Or perhaps they need to circle the area five times before they make the decision…not to use this particular patch of dirt? While for us humans, bowel evacuations are a fairly straightforward process; in the animal world it can be a little more complicated. But why exactly are some dogs such picky poopers? Let’s find out.

They want to send a message

While for humans, doing our business is purely for elimination purposes, for animals, like dogs, it fulfils both a physiological purpose and a social one. Even though our dogs are domesticated, the wild instinct to leave their mark remains strong – and the perfect spot for their “message” needs to be found before doing their business.

It’s not the right place

Some dogs just prefer a certain surface, usually soft substrates. Other dogs only like going in areas they are familiar with or have eliminated on before.

They don’t feel safe

Just like humans, physical distractions and certain predispositions can affect dogs’ elimination preferences. If there are loud noises around, your dog might feel too nervous to go and prefer to “hold it” until they find a less-overwhelming place.

It’s an underlying medical problem

If your dog has never been a fussy pooper, they might have an underlying medical problem. They might be constipated or something more serious, like intestinal blockages. See your vet if your dog seems to have difficulty pooing and it’s coupled with any other types of abnormal behaviour.

pet health, pets, dogs