Family & Pets

6 common "facts" about cats that are actually false

Most cat lovers would do anything to defend their favourite pet, but cats can still be very misunderstood. We gathered some of the most common cat “facts” that are actually false to set the record straight. Also, make sure to read up on these true cat facts that are purr-fectly fascinating.

1. Cats are nocturnal

Cats are actually not nocturnal. “We probably think so because we are most aware of our cats when they are running over our faces at 3 o’clock in the morning. Cats are actually crepuscular, which means they are most awake at dusk and dawn,” says Jackson Galaxy, renowned cat behaviour and wellness expert, host of Animal Planet’s My Cat From Hell and New York Times best-selling author. “This is because in nature, their natural prey is awake at dusk and dawn.”

Over time, you can adjust your cat to your sleeping schedule. You should feed them around the same time every day so that they get into a rhythm.

2. Cats like to be alone and aren’t loving like dogs

“In comparing their behaviour to that of dogs, we end up calling cats things like ‘aloof,’ ‘overly independent,’ even ‘unloving.’ It’s not fair that because of who they are (and who they aren’t), we judge cats simply because they are not programmed to make us humans happy as their primary objective,” says Galaxy. “When seen through no other lens than their own, we can see that most cats thrive in communities and in relationships with humans and other animals, and absolutely can and do show love – it just looks different than the love that we perceive dogs give to us.”

3. Milk is a great treat for cats

Just like some humans, cats can be lactose intolerant. Even though cats are often associated with milk, you should never feed your cat milk. “All mammals are born with the ability to digest their mother’s milk because their bodies contain the enzyme lactase which breaks down the lactose protein,” says Dawn LaFontaine, a cat shelter volunteer, cat blogger and founder of Cat in the Box. “Once a kitten is weaned, however, her gut stops producing this enzyme.” Feeding your cat milk can cause an upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhoea.

4. A purring cat equals a happy cat

If your cat is curled up next to you purring while you scratch their head that is typically a sign that they are very content. However, when a cat purrs it can mean a lot more than just happiness. “Cats purr when they are frightened and when they’re threatened. They purr in pain, when they’re injured, in labour and even when they are near death,” says LaFontaine.

5. Declawing is not harmful

“Declawing is a completely unnecessary surgery. The idea of saving your furniture by destroying your cat’s body is just unacceptable,” says Galaxy. It can physically hurt your cat’s body and takes away a part of them.

6. Dry food is better than wet food

When it comes to cats, the opposite is actually true. “Canned food is better than dry because it is higher in protein, lower in calories, and contains needed moisture,” says Bahr.

Source: RD.com

Written by Morgan Cutolo. This article first appeared in Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s our best subscription offer.

cats, dogs, animals, pets, family