Family & Pets

10 greatest cats of the internet

Tardar Sauce aka Grumpy Cat

Look at that face: displeased with life and not impressed with the photoshoot. Grumpy Cat’s face has been the subject of a proliferation of memes, the best and most definitive simply says, NO. Incidentally that’s not what she said to Friskies cat food when they offered her the position of spokescat.


A touch more difficult to locate by name than by expression, Sam Has Eyebrows is mostly famous for his distinctive paws… Just kidding.


Images of Shironeko are usually of him smiling in his sleep and in a basket, which of course earned him the creative nickname, Basket Cat. You can put him down anywhere, balance anything on his head and…chill. Such a zen pet.


With over 1.5 millon Instagram followers, Nala’s antics are known the world-over. Mostly posing in bow-ties or doing her perfect OMG face, blue-eyed Nala has risen from orphan cat to sensation!

Colonel Meow

Colonel Meow doesn’t have fans he has ‘minions’. He drinks scotch, swears like a trooper, has his own news channel and has been awarded a spot in the Guinness Book of Records for his nine-inch-long fur! Unfortunately he passed in 2014 but his memory will live on the Internet forever.

Hamilton The Hipster Cat

Just look at that perfectly sculpted handlebar tash! Hamilton has the boys and girls of Shoreditch, Williamsberg, Berlin and all other hipster-hubs on their knees.


Oh my. Scarface has seen it all and fought it all. He is now recuperating at a sanctuary after making his own calendar for Singapore’s Cat Welfare Society to help other young tomcats avoid a life of crime.


Maru is a very hard worker… The Japanese resident has released two books, starred in numerous television commercials and has littered the Internet with hundreds of stunt videos involving him testing the limits of the average cardboard box. What’s next for Maru? Probably a nap!

Nyan Cat

What’s to say about Nyan? Nyan is a poptart with the face of cat. She hurtles through time-space trailing rainbows behind her to the super-cute sounds of Japanese pop, while singing nyan-nyan-nyan (Japanese for meow). A whole industry is based around Nyan; toys, endless memes, smartphone games, oh and a clothing line.

Snoopy babe

Arguably the cutest cat on the whole of the Internet, Snoopy’s fame is rapidly soaring. I have chosen this photo simply to illustrate the cat-in-bread trend now sweeping the internet, but it does not do her justice. I urge you to seek her out.

Image credit: Facebook / Instagram

This article originally appeared on Reader's Digest.

Cats, Pets, Viral, Internet