Michelle Reed
Family & Pets

10 baby names that are actually illegal

Australia may be pretty relaxed about many things baby names included, but there are some that go that little bit too far. Offensive, nonsensical or completely irrational and confusing names are all on the “no-go” list including the following:

  1. Medicare number – Yes, somebody has tried to name their child after the string of numbers found on their Medicare card. The Australian Births, Deaths and Marriages registry swiftly banned it.
  2. [Blank space] Apart from the befuddling question of how you’d actually address the child, this moniker was banned as it contained symbols, a big no-no.
  3. Hitler – Self-explanatory. Worryingly, the name isn’t illegal in the US with a number of families using it as a name.
  4. Panties – Banned due to being offensive and a possible reason for a child to be bullied.
  5. Pieandsauce – Patriotic? Yes. A good idea for an actual child’s name? No.
  6. Facebook – Banned in Mexico and most likely her in Australia.
  7. Nutella – It may be delicious but it isn’t baby name material.
  8. @ - This one was ruled out due to it using a symbol, which is banned.
  9. Talula Does The Hula For Hawaii – Yes, really. A NZ girl was stuck with this name for 9 years before a judge put proceedings in place to allow her to change it. In Australia, this would be banned for being too long.
  10. Duke – Popular in the US but banned her in Australia as official titles and ranks are illegal as first names.

Image: Getty Images

Family & Pets, Babies, Names, Illegal