Beauty & Style

X-rated wedding bouquets go viral

A person has been left a bit embarrassed after flower bouquets they made have gone viral for all the wrong reasons.

The person who initially made the bouquets that are looking a bit x-rated proudly shared them online, writing "Made all these for like less than 50 bucks".

The flowers have stems that are wrapped in a purple fabric with what appears to be fake pearls around the bases with a sea shell stuck at the bottom.

Many have been quick to point out that the bouquets look like male appendages.

"I thought she'd put flowers on dildos [to be honest]," one Facebook user wrote.

"But why are they penises?" another wrote.

"It took me a second to see the problem. Then, ohhhhhhhhh," another said.

"I'd rather have my bridesmaids carry nothing over these," one added.

"I wouldn't have shelled out money for that," another joked.

flowers, wedding, bride