Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

Woman is slammed for publicly dissing her engagement ring: "Not a fan"

When most people first see their partner get down on one knee and present them with an engagement ring, they are too focused on the love of their relationship to think of any trivial matters.

However, one woman has criticised her engagement ring and slammed it as “basic”, before her boyfriend even had the chance to ask the question.

The woman stumbled across the ring at home, which was hidden in her boyfriend’s night stand.

Posting the photo of the ring on social media, the woman wrote: “Ewwwww. Self shame Friday here I come. Found this in the BF's nightstand. Not a fan.”

“Please roast and then tell me how to tactfully say no you need to go get something different,” she added.

A screenshot of the woman’s post was then shared on Reddit, where the woman quickly received backlash for being superficial.

Some commented that it was awful that she was slamming the ring and that they couldn’t see an issue with it.

“This is a gorgeous ring. I would love to be presented with this but, to be honest, my husband could propose to me with a twist-tie from a loaf of bread and I would be perfectly content," one person said.

Many believed it was possible that the ring was a family heirloom, making her remarks even more insensitive.

“Not going to lie this is bringing tears to my eyes. Poor sweet man. I hope he doesn't go through with it. I would have been happy with a ring pop from my husband!”

Another added: “I hope he sees this, and then RUNS. To post this degrading sh** to social media to first insult it, and then ask for ways to get something better from someone she loves just defies what this ring should really be about and proves she doesn't even deserve a ring out of a dollar vending machine.”

The post even prompted some to share their own engagement stories that may seem less than ideal but were perfect for them.

“I was broke… when I proposed and bought an $80 ring at a flea market, she was thrilled, that's a keeper,” one person said. 

Another penned: “I was unemployed when we decided to get engaged. She bought the rings. Definitely not what we had planned, but 10 years later and I'm okay with it.”

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

engagement ring, woman, complain