Charlotte Foster
Beauty & Style

Woman has shocking reaction after lip filler

After Morgan Proudlock went to get a small amount of lip filler, she decided to go on a night out drinking with her friends. 

When she woke up the next morning, her lips were extremely puffy and swollen, and she was in an extreme amount of pain. 

Sharing her experience on TikTok, she said drinking alcohol after her procedure was the “worst thing” she could’ve done. 

“(The) pain was ridiculous,” she said in the clip.

Morgan said she didn’t drink “that much”, but even a small amount of alcohol was enough to cause a severe reaction. 

“It’s because I drank and you not meant to straight after so I’d advise you avoid alcohol for a few days,” she told viewers looking at getting the procedure.

She said despite her “horrid” reaction, the pain and swelling eventually subsided. 

According to Healthline, alcohol acts as a blood thinner, meaning people should avoid drinking at least 24 hours after similar cosmetic procedures. 

“Alcohol can also cause inflammation, increase the likelihood of bruising, and make swelling worse,” the site explains. 

“It’s also a good idea to avoid alcohol a few days before your appointment.”

Several women commented on Morgan’s video, saying that they had “learned their lesson” about lip filler protocol, not wanting the botched look Morgan managed to achieve. 

Image credits: TikTok

Beauty & style, lip fillers, Alcohol, botched