Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

5 ways to use beetroot in your beauty routine

Yet another delicious food that you can actually put on your face. Not only can consuming beetroots be good for your inner and outer health, but you can also manipulate them to use as beauty products.

Beets are full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Here are five amazing ways to harness those benefits in your beauty routine.

1. Beet-carrot juice

Many stand by water as the liquid to consume the most of for healthy skin. But also drinking beet juice has been known to nourish and help repair skin cells. Mixed with carrot juice, an 250ml glass a day will help boost your immunity and in turn give your skin a healthy glow

2. Anti-ageing

Beets can provide a clarifying anti-aging facial. Simply mix one tablespoon of carrot juice with one tablespoon of beetroot juice and apply to face with a cotton ball. Leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing with cool water. 

3. Hair

The vitamins and nutrients in beetroot juice enhance hair’s quality, thickness, and shine. Mix beetroot with ginger and massage into your hair while showering to improve your hair’s general health and to prevent baldness.

4. Toner

A beetroot facial toner can reduce age spots and freckles as well as tighten skin’s elasticity. Combine one beet with 1/2 cup of chopped cabbage and 1/4 cup of water in a blender. Pour this mixture into an ice cube tray and pop out a frozen cube to rub over your face as needed.

5. Lips

The natural stain within beetroot juice works to colour lips. Simply rub a little juice on your lips before bed for perfect pink lips in the morning. You can also rub sugar and beetroot juice together on your lips to lighten them naturally.

Related links:

5 home remedies for sagging skin

6 ways to use cucumber in your beauty routine

7 foods to use as beauty products for the face

beauty, anti-ageing, skin, skincare, beetroot