Beauty & Style

Want to sound like the Queen? Here's how in three easy steps

According to cultural expert Claire Larkin, becoming posh is easier than many people think.

Humans make snap judgements on other people’s accents in as few as seven words and favour those we perceive to be “posh” or “high class” says a recent study.

Larkin told Femail about why the British royal family are considered “high class”.

“Even today, important figures from across society – particularly the royals – use British Received Pronunciation, and it's still regarded by many as the "proper" way of speaking, and a marker of prestige and ability.”

You can easily fool people into thinking that you’re posh by using phrases from the hit show on Netflix The Crown.

She defines a posh accent as having three elements involved.

  1. A clear pronunciation of the letter H at the beginning of words such as “hat” or “hamper”
  2. Making the letter R inaudible in words such as “car” or “heart”
  3. Using long vowels which require an incredibly high palate

Some of the key phrases to mimic a posh accent include:

“Who we are is not what we wear or what glitters. It’s the spirit that defines us”.

This line, delivered by Philip Mountbatten in Season 2 is a good sentence to practice, according to Larkin.

“It's a sentence to use when practicing your long vowels, and skipping your 'r's.”

“It is better to be patient and get what you desire in the right time, than have high office thrust upon you when you are not ready.”

“This quote, from Season 1, will allow you to really practice that 'ah' sound, and to emphasise your 't's,” explains Larkin.

“This will help you to sound and feel like a royal as you philosophise about your regal duty and understand what it means to wear the weight of the Crown.”

“Look, I'm strong. You know that. And I can cope with the truth. I just demand to know the truth. It's when people don't tell me the truth that I can't bear it.”  

“This dramatic statement, delivered by Queen Elizabeth in Season 2, is the perfect way to practice your high 'oo' sound in the word truth, which should sound more like 'trooth' in this sentence,” said Larkin.

'You can also practice skipping your 'r's and sharpening your 't's, to sound like a very well-spoken truth-seeker.”

queen, speech, talking, speaking, the queen, the crown