Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

7 simple tricks to keep clothes in perfect condition

From a stain you can’t get out to worn-out soles, here are seven simple tips to help you take care of your clothes better.

1. “Iron” your sweater by putting it in the fridge

Don’t play fire with the iron when you don’t need to or stretch out your sweater by hanging them up. Simply pop them in a large zip lock bag and put them in the fridge to get out the creases.

2. Avoid nasty shocks

Keep getting little shocks whenever you wear your favourite pants? You can get rid of static electricity on your clothing by wiping it with the underside of an ordinary tissue.

3. Keep shape of boots

To prevent knee-length boots from losing their original shape, place old magazines inside them.

4. Stretch narrow shoes

Stretch narrow shoes to fit your feet using the following method: Pour some water into resealable plastic bags, place them carefully inside the shoes, and the put them in the freezer overnight.

5. The secret to removing red wine

This may surprise you, but this trick involves pouring more wine on the stain! Pour on some white wine, and then sprinkle baking soda on top of that. Leave for two to three hours and then wash off.

6. Save your soles

Rub the heels of your feet with a stick of deodorant, and new shoes won’t rub against them.

7. Strengthen glasses

Glasses coming loose at the edges? You can fix weakened glasses frames by using nail varnish to stiffen them up.

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clothes, fashion, style, stains