Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

5 tips to prevent thinning hair in your 60s

Jacqueline Cao, founder of Shop Hair Dryers, a website that helps people find the right blow dryer for their needs and budget, shares her top tips for thinning hair with Over60, plus seven foods that can help your hair grow faster.

Nearly half of all women will unfortunately experience some degree of hair thinning before the age of 60 due to estrogen dips. Thinning hair in women isn't always taken seriously by doctors but it can have a significant impact on one’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. Here are a few tips to help you deal with thinning hair.

1. Load up on the right foods

Vitamins essential for hair health include zinc, vitamin B12 and iron. You can find these vitamins from foods like fish, beans, chicken, shrimp, nuts and broccoli. Protein is also vital for hair health since hair is a protein fibre. Salmon is an excellent source of protein plus it also contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which boost hair health. You can try a protein shake as a supplement if you're finding it difficult to increase your protein intake.

2. Try washing your hair less often

Frequent shampooing can accelerate hair loss as well as dry out your hair. Try washing your hair less often and use a dry shampoo instead in between washings in order to cleanse and freshen up your hair. A dry shampoo is a product that absorbs oil and freshens up your hair without the need for water. 

3. Get a check up

Hair loss may be a result of something as simple as a vitamin D and iron deficiency. A blood test can determine the amount of vitamin D and iron in your body. In this case, all it would take is a dietary change or taking a vitamin supplement in order to boost hair growth again.

4. Try minoxidil

Minoxidil, also known as Rogaine, is the only over-the-counter medication approved by the FDA to treat hair loss. Minoxidil works by increasing the size of the hair follicle in order to encourage thicker strands to grow. This medication is applied topically and it may take up to twelve months in order to see permanent results. It also requires commitment since the results will revert if you stop using it.

5. Manage your stress levels

Chronic and sudden stress can have an effect on hair growth. A sudden life event such as a new career, divorce or bankruptcy can cause a great deal of internal havoc. If you're under a lot of pressure you can try meditating or deep breathing in order to calm your body.

tips, beauty, style, hair, thinning