Georgia Dixon
Beauty & Style

6 tips for colouring your hair at home

Whether it be your wallet or your schedule getting in the way of an in-salon hair treatment, a DIY dye job can be your ticket to a new look with minimal effort. However, there are many pitfalls along the way. If you have ever found yourself crying over spilt toner, these tips are for you.

1. Play it safe

When it comes to over the counter products and an amateur hand, it’s best to stick within two shades of your natural colour. If you end up trying to do something to drastic, you’ll end up with a half-finished look that could come out tired or brassy.

2. Buy enough dye

You are already saving bucket loads by skipping the salon – so reach into your wallet to buy two boxes of dye. Every strand should be covered. If not, you’ll be running back to the supermarket anyway. Plus, it’s always useful to have a top up when you need it in a few weeks.

3. Prepare your hair

Dry, brittle ends won’t take too kindly to colour, so make sure that your hair is in the best condition possible before you dye it. Cut of split ends and let your hair soak in conditioner. If you’re not confident enough, consider going to a budget hairdresser for a quick trim.

4. Patch test

Finally, before you smother your whole head in your new colour, patch test a few strands to see how it turns out. Hair can be fickle, and the last thing you want is a purple tinge because you skipped this important step.

5. Wear old clothes (or none)

This is sure to be a messy process. Seeing as the dye is likely to be in and around your sink, on the bathroom bench and maybe even the walls, save your favourite t-shirt and opt for a towel.

6. Get the right tools

For professional results, acquire professional tools. This includes a hair dye brush, a plastic bowl to empty the dye into before-hand.

Good luck!

Have you ever successfully coloured your hair at home? Let us know in the comments below.

Related links:

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colour, hair, Hair care, dye, dyeing