Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

Simple trick to stop costume jewellery turning skin green

Costume jewellery these days look so good, it’s often difficult to tell the difference between your budget bling and the real thing. That is, until you take it off. The interaction between the metal and the acids in your skin creates an oxidising effect, leaving your skin with an unsightly green tinge. Thankfully, you can avoid your favourite rings and bangles leaving you with a Shrek-esque skin tone with this simple, inexpensive tip.

All you need is your cheap and cheerful jewellery and a bottle of clear nail polish. Painting a coat or two onto the part of the jewellery which touches the skin creates a barrier, preventing the oxidisation process taking place and leaving your skin as gorgeous as before.

That’s not all your clear nail polish is capable of – turns out, it has a number of clever uses. Aside from protecting your skin (and jewellery), you can also:

Do you have any smart uses for clear nail polish? Share them with us in the comment section below.

skin, green, cheap, Jewellery, costume, stop