Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

3 new fashion trends to try this winter

Josephine Lalwan is the owner of fashion blog Chic at any age,a fashion resource for women over 50 who want to learn more about style, fashion and what will suit them as mature women.

Josephine shares her playful style tips with Over60 for the season ahead. To see the beautiful photographs, featuring Josephine herself, scroll through the gallery above.

1. The new trousers style

Trouser shapes have been evolving for many seasons. It seems that we have lived in skinny trousers and some of us leggings for years. Slowly, the wider shape trouser has vied with its skinny cousin for a place in our wardrobes.

This season the short wide leg trouser is a combination of the wide trouser and the ankle length capri. Thus creating the new style wide ankle trouser.

I thought I would dip my toes into this new trend. A bit like kissing many frogs until you find your prince, I tried on several wide leg ankle pants. Many were just too baggy and looked clown like. I finally settled on this pair by Finery London (not a brand I had heard of till recently). They have a slim high waistline (which works for me as I have a long waist). They fit well around the hips and are not too baggy.

The problem was what to team them with. I tried them with a simple 3/4 sleeve turtle neck sweater. Then for a more structured look I wore them with a waistcoat.  Shoes were the biggest problem. They looked ok with flats but much better with these ankle strap sandals, weather permitting!

2. Long sleeve off the shoulder tops

I have always loved off the shoulder tops. I think I must have realised that it flattered my “pear shaped” figure. Not that I had heard of a woman’s body being compared to a fruit back then.

Some things definitely change and one of them is the shape of our bodies as we get older; the proliferation of those pesky wrinkles and certain muscles that have given up holding things together.

Luckily our shoulders seem to be immune from the above and can be an area that we can still continue to expose without looking too mutton.  At least that is my opinion.  As these tops are called “Bardot” I simply have to take mine with me on my next trip to St. Tropez. The one I am wearing is cotton by Whistles. 

3. Lace and especially broderie anglaise

Lace and especially broderie anglaise has a romantic and “girly” feel to it. I remember wearing a gorgeous white broderie anglaise dress as a child. I loved it and was very sad when I finally grew too big to wear it.

However, lace and broderie anglaise can be worn in a sophisticated and grown up way as well. This depends on what other items you team it with and the accessories you use to finish the look.

I have teamed this very pretty three-quater sleeve white top with a tailored masculine style leather jacket and slim leg trousers.

I am pushing the boat out and being adventurous, for me anyway, with my shoes. They are gladiator style sandals with a block heel, but any boot will do. They have relatively high fronts and fasten round the ankles. This offers sufficient support to avoid the “wobble factor”.

Will you be giving any of these a go? Let us know in the comments below.

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winter, fashion, style, Trends, chic at any age