Georgia Dixon
Beauty & Style

4 natural ways to get rid of a cold sore

When you need to fix a cold sore fast you don’t necessarily have to rush out to the chemist – the remedy could already be in your kitchen.

Here are four natural ways to rid of cold sores, without turning to harsh chemicals.

1. Milk

Soak a cotton ball with milk and let it sit for a few minutes. It will soothe the pain and help fight off the virus.

2. Liquorice

Liquorice root has an acid called glycyrrhizic, which will stop the virus from growing and developing and arms the body to counter attack. Mix some liquorice powder with water to make a topical paste.

3. Garlic

Garlic isn’t just great for colds it’s also great for cold sores. Crush a clove and put it directly on the sore, and let the healing antiviral, and antibiotic properties work their magic.

4. Ice

Yes, ice. It’s so simple and although it doesn’t have the miracle properties of the other solutions listed, you are bound to have it in the house. Its cooling effect will take away the pain and swelling, and help you resist the urge to pick.

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beauty, natural, skin, remedy, cold sore