Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

Simple face exercises that reduce wrinkles

Aside from death and taxes, there’s one other thing in life that’s certain – wrinkles. You may hate them, you may tolerate them or you may even embrace them as signs of a life well lived. Either way, if you’d like to learn how to minimise the appearance of wrinkles without nasty chemicals, injections or dodgy DIY treatments, you’re in luck.

It’s all about facial exercises, according to “face school” pioneer Marja Putkisto of Method Putkisto. “As with exercising any part of your body, it takes a few weeks before you'll see the effects,” she explains to Saga Magazine. “But you will see an amazing difference - our exercises eliminate double chins, reduce puffiness and wrinkles, and improving skin texture. It also helps realign the upper body, key to reducing shoulder and neck tension.”

In fact, even cosmetic surgeons are singing the praises of facial exercises. “When you exercise, you tone and tighten the muscles in your body,” said former president of the California Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons, Dr Mark Berman. “So why not apply the same principles to your face? I've seen the results, and it works.”

So, what exactly do you need to do? Here are Putkisto’s top face-firming exercises.

How do you like to keep your skin looking and feeling youthful? Share your tips with us in the comments below.

Source: Saga.co.uk

diy, Exercises, treatment, wrinkles, minimise