Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

How to curl your hair with balloons

It might be time to grab the spare balloons from the bottom drawer in the kitchen and attempt this quirky hair-curling technique. It requires no heat, just good old fashioned balloons.


  1. Start by arming yourself with the tools. Blow up between six and 10 balloons so that you are prepared. Blow them up so they are still soft to touch – this makes them easier to navigate and will hold the hair better. 
  2. Pop your hair into a high pony and then start to section off the hair into small three to four centimetre sections. Remember the bigger the section, the bigger the curl. 
  3. Wind your hair around a balloon until you have reached the end of the section. Using a bobby pin, secure the hair onto the wound hair and balloon. You might also want to bobby pin the bottom as this will give you a stronger hold. 
  4. Continue until you have your whole ponytail ballooned.
  5. Give your hair time to dry and set before removing the balloons.
  6. Give your locks a good tousle and spritz with some hairspray to help encourage the curls to stay put.

Would you give this weird trick a try? Let us know in the comments below.

Written by Sarah Simpson. First appeared on

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beauty, care, style, hair, balloons