Michelle Reed
Beauty & Style

5 surprising habits that cause wrinkles

If you’re waging a constant war against wrinkles, it pays to take a look at some of your habits. Research has found that certain behaviours can cause skin to age more rapidly. Try minimising or eradicating these habits for complexion perfection.

Cleansing TOO much – While sometimes nothing can beat that feeling of a freshly washed face, did you know that there is such a thing as over-cleansing your skin? Too much cleaning - and not adding enough moisture back - can lead to dry, sensitive that will ultimately end in a lacklustre appearance where lines are more obvious. Never wash your face more than two time per day and be sure to opt for a gently cleanser - especially if you notice that your skin is on the sensitive side. 

Be lazy – While you might think that constantly relaxing on the couch or reading a book in the garden is good for your skin, think again. In actual fact staying idle and not moving (ie with at least some light exercise) can impact your skin as well as your body.

Skipping your veg – Studies have shown that if you don't get enough, fish and healthy fats in your diet it could be affecting your skin. Be sure you include veggies as well as fresh seafood and legumes for optimal skin benefits.

Repetitive actions like squinting – Squinting - and even sipping (from a straw) - over and over again can lead to deep wrinkles! To avoide wrinkles from these habits, why not skip the straw and remeber to always wear sunnies. 

Touching your skin too much or with too much pressure – The skin around your eyes especially is very delicate and fragile, making it susceptible to wrinkles. Rubbing briskly at your eyes, swiping enthusiastically with makeup remove and tugging to insert and remove contacts can all cause irreversible damage. Work on being as gentle as possible and only using products that can be removed easily.

skincare, style, Naomi Cotterill, beaytu, face, wrinkles