Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

14 cheap but effective beauty tricks

In our busy lives, it’s not uncommon to make little slip-ups now and then. But why do these slip-ups always seem to happen at the worst times? With these clever tricks in your style arsenal, you’ll never be left with a stained shirt, messy nail polish or clumpy mascara ever again.

1. Get rid of sweat stains for good – Squeeze lemon juice onto the stain before washing to remove the stain completely.

2. Keep nail polish neat – Apply Vaseline around the edges of your nails before painting to easily wipe away any mess.

3. Effectively treat sunburn – Freeze aloe vera gel in ice cube trays and apply to sunburned skin for instant relief.

4. Prevent clumpy mascara – Roll your mascara wand along a tissue to remove any clumps, then apply to lashes.

5. Remove bubbles from nail polish – Store nail polish in the fridge to prevent bubbles appearing when applying.

6. Recycle mascara wands – Once you’ve used up you mascara, clean the wand and use with eyebrow colour to make your brows darker and thicker-looking.

7. Give yourself an instant eye lift – Apply a line of highlighter from the middle of each eye brow to the outside then blend for instantly more youthful-looking eyes.

8. Fix broken lipstick – Use a lighter to melt the bottom of the broken piece of lipstick, then re-attach it to the stick, hold in place, then leave in the fridge for an hour.

9. Conceal blemishes – Hide skin imperfections by applying foundation to the spot first, then concealer, then setting powder.

10. Match your foundation – Can’t find the right colour foundation? Test it on your neck, not your face. That way your face and neck will always be the same colour.

11. Use face wash to clean brushes – Clean your brushes with the same gentle cleanser you use on your face to remove germs and bacteria.

12. Protect your hair from chlorine – Pour tap water on your hair before swimming so when it comes into contact with chlorine, it won’t absorb any.

13. Dry hair with a t-shirt – Using a towel to dry your hair sucks out too much moisture, leaving it frizzy. A t-shirt will remove most of the water without leaving your hair prone to frizz.

14. Lighten your foundation – Accidentally purchased a darker shade of foundation than normal? No problem! Simply mix it with some moisturiser to lighten it.

Do you have any tips to add to the list? Share them with us in the comments below.

tricks, beauty, cheap, effective