Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

10 beauty foods for skin and hair

From blueberries to sweet potato, these 10 foods will do wonders for your skin and hair.

1. Blueberries

Often the raspberry and strawberry are favoured, but the blueberry is actually super high in antioxidants and can help reduce the effects of ageing. Why not sprinkle a handful on your porridge in the morning, or add to a smoothie?

2. Wild salmon

The wild variety (rather than farm raised salmon) is high in omega-3 fatty acids. These make your skin appear fuller and more hydrated. It also contains vitamin D which protects the health of your teeth and bones. Try baking it in the oven, enjoying it with pasta, or ordering it from a Japanese sushi restaurant.

3. Spinach

We all know that spinach is good for us, but it’s actually a powerhouse of nutrition. It can help protect your eye health, as well as give you a hit of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Throw two cups of baby spinach into your banana smoothie – you won’t taste it but you can enjoy the health benefits. Use it as a your leafy base for a salad instead of lettuce. Or chop it up finely and add to your casserole or Bolognese.

4. Oysters

Whether they get you ‘in the mood’ or not, oysters offer other benefits such as zinc to keep your skin, nails, hair and eyes looking good.

5. Tomatoes

Who doesn’t want to look younger? Tomatoes contain the anti-aging antioxidant lycopene, more so than any other source. The lycopene is more easily absorbed by your body when the tomatoes are cooked or processed, so be sure to always have tomato juice and canned tomatoes on hand. Use tomato paste as a base for your homemade pizza, or make your own pasta sauce by roasting up ripe tomatoes with garlic and onion before blitzing to a smooth sauce consistency.

6. Walnuts

Eating a handful of walnuts will give you your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. These can help your skin, hair, and eyes to be healthier, and even improve your bone strength. Toss some in your salad, crumble it on your oats, add some to your smoothie, or add them to a baked apple dessert.

7. Kiwi fruit

The sweet green fruit is full of vitamin C and antioxidants, so if you want firmer skin and less wrinkles, dig in. The antioxidant content can also keep you healthier, as it helps protect you from cancer and heart disease. Eat them as a snack, add to a smoothie, or slice and enjoy with your morning cereal.

8. Dark chocolate

For good skin that is well hydrated and free of sun damage, dark chocolate can help. It’s got to be at least 60% or more in order to feel the benefit. Make your own homemade mousse, chop it up to add to a muffin, or enjoy straight up.

9. Yoghurt

Full fat yoghurt is a great snack as it keeps you full and satisfied without added sugar or preservatives. The calcium in yoghurt works wonders on your bones, teeth and nails. Enjoy as is with some fresh berries as a snack, whiz it up with fruit and make homemade ice creams, or even use it to reduce the heat of a spicy curry.

10. Sweet potatoes

Food that fight ageing? You can’t do much better than sweet potatoes which are loaded up with beta-carotene. Try them mashed, baked or even as a healthy breakfast fritter by grating one with a zucchini and an egg.

How do you enjoy eating these beauty foods? In a smoothie? In a salad? We would love to hear your ideas in the comments.

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health, food, beauty, skin, hair