Georgia Dixon
Beauty & Style

Anti-ageing rose facial oil recipe

Organic, home remedies are a fantastic way to avoid intimidating department store price tags and tap into the wonderful properties nature has to offer. However, not all recipes are created equally.

There are a few too many lounge-room naturopaths out there leading the masses astray, and we’ve sure fallen for them one time or another. So, before you start grinding up eggshells to cure what ails you, it’s best to do a little background research.

We’ve selected this nourishing, at-home facial oil from the book All Natural Beauty by Karin Berndl and Nici Hofer, because it’s simple, quick, and it actually works.

The active ingredients:


We know that avocado is full of good fats, and is both healthy and delicious when eaten. However, according to Karin and Nici, avocado also makes a great topical treatment. “Avocado oil is ideal for dry skin. It is rich in vitamins C, E and K and magnesium and potassium.” According to nutritional medicine and skincare expert Fiona Tuck, “Vitamin C is highly effective at reducing free radical damage, such as that caused by overexposure to the sun or pollution. Vitamin C is especially effective at protecting the skin from premature ageing especially when combined with vitamin E”.

Vitamin K is also essential to the skins healing process, and plays a big role in the reduction of bruises, scars and spider veins. Magnesium is the real super-hero though, as it actually prevents the development of wrinkles.


Not only does rose oil offer a divine scent, it is also known for its health and beauty benefits.  “Rosehip oil is very high in important essential fatty acids and helps regenerate damaged skin tissue” says Karin and Nici. “It penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates collagen production. It is also moisturising and anti-inflammatory and helps to heal wounds and soften scars. Rose absolute oil is antibacterial, antiviral, antispasmodic, is known to have rejuvenating properties and promotes a glowing complexion”.

You will need:

How to:

  1. Simply pour all the oils into a small bottle and give it a good shake until they are well-mixed. And that’s it!
  2. Apply this precious face oil every morning and evening to cleansed skin.

Do you have a recipe for a home-remedy that works, that you would like to share with the community? Let us know in the comments below.

This recipe is an edited extract from All Natural Beauty by Karin Berndl and Nici Hofer published by Hardie Grant RRP $34.99 available in stores nationally.

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beauty, natural, facial, oil, rose