Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

8 essential nutrients for healthy hair

As we age, it’s natural for hair to start thinning, become brittle and change texture. While we can’t necessarily stop this from happening altogether, simply adding a few hair-friendly nutrients can help your locks appear more luscious than ever.

  1. Protein – Your hair is made of protein, therefore the more you eat, the stronger your hair will become. Protein deficiency can cause your hair to become dry, brittle and weak, or potentially lead to hair loss. Lean meats, eggs, legumes and nuts are all high in protein.
  2. Iron – Low levels of iron can lead to anaemia, which in turn can prevent the supply of nutrients to the follicle. This disrupts the hair growth cycle and can lead to hair loss. Leafy greens and red meat can provide you with your daily dose of iron.
  3. Vitamin C – Not only can this vitamin boost your immunity, but it also helps iron absorption and boosts production of collagen – the protein responsible for strengthening the scalp. To get some vitamin C, grab a handful of berries, eat an orange or enjoy some sweet potato.
  4. Omega-3 – Fatty acids like omega-3s provide the oils that keep our scalp and hair hydrated. Include oily fish, avocado, pepitas and walnuts in your diet to boost your omega-3 levels.
  5. Vitamin A – This vitamin is essential in the production of sebum, the naturally-occurring oily substance which acts as a conditioner and promotes a healthy scalp. Without sebum, dandruff and dry hair may become a problem. Orange- and yellow-coloured vegetables like carrot and pumpkin are particularly rich in vitamin A.
  6. Zinc and selenium – Zinc and selenium deficiencies can cause hair loss and dry out your scalp. Go for wholegrains, oysters, beef and eggs to get your fill of both.
  7. Vitamin E – Vitamin E is ideal for repairing sun damage to our hair, as well providing it with protection. Nuts are your best bet in upping vitamin E intake.
  8. Biotin – Eating too little biotin can make your hair brittle and dry. Boost your mane’s health with biotin-rich foods like wholegrains, liver, egg yolk, soy flour and yeast.

Tell us in the comments below, how do you keep your hair healthy and luscious?

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food, beauty, hair, Nutrients, shiny, healthier, luscious