Beauty & Style

6 strange beauty tricks that actually work

When it comes to the world of beauty, there are plenty of weird and whacky tricks and tips doing the rounds. It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction or that which actually works and that which fails miserably. Fortunately, we’ve managed to find nine slightly whacky but oh-so-worth it tricks of the trade to give you everything from longer lashes to ready-in-minutes waves.

  1. Use a cotton ball for extra long, thick lashes – Forget expensive fibre lash formulations. For plenty of oomph, take a mascara wand/brow brush and rub it onto a cotton ball. This transfers some of the fibres onto the brush. Work the brush through your lashes then apply another coat of mascara for instant length and volume.
  2. Red lipstick to conceal dark circles – It sounds bizarre but the proof is in the pudding. Apply a red or orange-based lippie under your eyes and onto your eyelids (wherever there’s a shadow) with a concealer brush or your finger. Apply your favourite creamy concealer over the top and blend. What dark circles?
  3. DIY heated eyelash curler – If you’re keen on super curly lashes but don’t have a heated curler, this trick is for you. Simply use the heat from your hairdryer to heat up any metal lash curler by holding it under a stream of warm air for five to 10 seconds. Just make sure you test the temperature on the back of your hand before applying to your eyes.
  4. Potato skin brightener – There are a number of reasons that the skin under your arms might be darker than the rest of your body. To lighten your underarms naturally, cut a potato in half and rub into your armpits morning and night. Potatoes are high in the enzyme catecholase that has natural lightening properties.
  5. The right way to apply a natural flush – If your chosen blush tends to be a little on the rosy side, try applying under your tinted moisturiser or foundation. This creates a subtle, “barely there” effect which is perfect for daytime.
  6. Use card to prevent mascara smudges – If applying perfect mascara is a chore, try this easy trick for smudge proof lashes. Place a thick piece of card against your top lash line before applying your product. Any leftover mascara will smear onto the card instead of onto your eyelids.

Image credits: Getty Images

tips, make up, Beauty & Style, Make-up trends